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Popular Attractions in the U.K.

The United Kingdom is one of our top-selling destinations for guided vacations. I've highlight some of the U.K.'s most popular attractions below.

The U.K. includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Click any link to see money-saving offers and search for tours.

England -- Tours of England often include stays in London, where guests visit quintessential sights like Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace and St. Paul's Cathedral. Beyond the capital, see the mysterious stone circle of Stonehenge, explore ancient Roman ruins and Tudor Row in Chester, spend time in the scenic Lake District or visit Shakespeare's Stratford-upon-Avon. View castles, palaces and stately homes in places like Salisbury, stroll through beautiful gardens in Plymouth and Bath and take in the country landscapes that inspired poets Yeats and Tennyson.

Scotland -- The capital, Edinburgh, is showcased on most Scotland vacations; some departures include tickets to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo, a bagpipe-and-drum extravaganza that is usually held in August. Travel the Royal Mile between Edinburgh Castle, home to the Scottish Crown Jewels, and Holyrood Palace, King Charles III's official residence. Stand on the banks of Loch Ness, famed for its "monster," ride a ferry to the remote Orkney Islands or tour Stirling Castle, where Mary, Queen of Scots, was crowned as an infant. Explore Norse heritage and the romantic beauty of the Scottish Highlands via scenic drives, and call at renowned single malt whiskey distilleries. The Old Course in St. Andrews is a shrine for golfers.

Wales -- Wales offers charming seaside villages, lush green mountains and picturesque streaming rivers. Many tours visit the capital city of Cardiff, home to the Gothic-style Cardiff Castle, Millenium Stadium and the grand civic buildings of Cathays Park. Other Welsh highlights include two national parks, Brecon Beacons and Snowdonia; Caernarfon Castle, which dates to 1283; and Llangollen, a town on the River Dee that hosts various festivals year-round.

Northern Ireland -- Most tours visit the lively capital of Belfast, where you might stop for a pint at a cheerful pub or visit Queen's University and Belfast Castle. The Titanic was constructed in this city, and some museum exhibits pay tribute to the historic ship. Other highlights include Old Bushmills Distillery, licensed to operate in 1608; Belleek pottery factory, where fine Parian china is created; and the ruins of Dunluce Castle atop dramatic seaside cliffs in Antrim. Explore the walled city of Derry's medieval architecture and see the UNESCO world heritage site of Giant's Causeway -- about 40,000 basalt columns jutting out to sea formed from ancient volcanic activity.